025 Potential magazine article, memo from William D. Chambers to John F. Dorenbusch (annotated)


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025 Potential magazine article, memo from William D. Chambers to John F. Dorenbusch (annotated)


Memo raises Alexander Girard's question about photographing his renovations of the Irwin Management Company offices at 301 Washington Street. Discusses pros and cons of publishing an article. Memo is heavily annotated by George W. Newlin, John F. Dorenbusch, and William D. Chambers




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301 Washington Street (Columbus, Ind.)

Is Part Of

301 Washington Street Collection (C0001), Series I. Subseries a., Box 1 Folder 3, Columbus Indiana Architectural Archives, BCPL Archives, Bartholomew County Public Library, Columbus, IN; 301 Washington Street: Cornerstone of Columbus, Indiana (digital collection).

Bibliographic Citation

Potential magazine article, memo from William D. Chambers to John F. Dorenbusch (annotated), 2/27/1974, 1/3, 301 Washington Street Collection (C0001), Columbus Indiana Architectural Archives, BCPL Archives, Bartholomew County Public Library, Columbus, IN.


Bartholomew County Public Library

Text Item Type Metadata


Carbon copy on onionskin of a typewritten document with annotations.

Typewritten text:


Date: February 27, 1974

To: J.F. Dorenbusch

From: W. D. Chambers

Subject: Letter from A. H. Girard

1. The attached letter from AHG raises the question of photographing the interior of 301 for possible publication.

2. I see some pluses and some minuses of such a publication.

-On the plus side

- it gives AHG an opportunity for professional recognition.

- it offers to share the AHG/301 design innovations with others.


- it might possibly encourage someone else to save and renovate other worthwhile buildings.

 - On the minus side

- 301 is a private office and the preparation and publication of an article involves some invasion of our clients’ privacy.

- We spent a lot of dollars on the 301 renovation, publication of an article might bring exposure to criticism for "over doing it".

3. I don't know how JIM/XSM [J. Irwin Miller / Xenia S. Miller] felt about the 1959 article on 2760 Highland Way. An article on the 301 building would not be as personal as the 1959 article but it still infringes upon their privacy and only they can consent to that.

4. I would like to get your reaction before proceeding with communication to clients and AHG.

WDC/mlw           W . D . Chambers



Chambers, William D., “025 Potential magazine article, memo from William D. Chambers to John F. Dorenbusch (annotated),” BCPL Archives, accessed September 9, 2024, https://bcplarchives.omeka.net/items/show/41.